Element Card Project:
You must choose three (3) elements from the periodic table of elements to present on three(3) separate 4x6 inch cards. You need to use both sides of the card. It is your choice how you arrange the information. You must include color in the presentation of your information. Use it to enhance your work.You can add as much as you want to the card but be careful not to make the card too overwhelming with information add lose the "key" facts. Here is the list of essential facts and items that must be included in the card.
For each element you must have:
- Name
- Symbol
- Atomic Number
- Atomic Weight (Mass)
- Group or Classification
- Origin of Name
- Discovery or History
- Isotopes
- Physical Properties - Density, phase at STP, MP, BP
- Atomic Properties
- Abundance/Occurance
- Uses or Applications
- Interesting Facts or Little known facts
- Safety or Health Issues related to this element
The first card is due Friday, 9/17. All other cards are due on Monday 9/20. The scoring rubric for the cards is as follows:
Content = 85%
(Based on the items above)
Presentation on the Card = 15%
(Neatness = 5%, Layout and Design = 5%, Use of Color = 5%)