Rogers High School Honors Chemistry

This blog is designed for students at Gov. John R. Rogers High School in Puyallup, WA. taking the Honors Chemistry Course. The class is intended to be first year Honors Chemistry course which will best prepare students for a first year College Chemistry or High School Advanced Placement Class.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4 - 9

Learning Targets:
  1. Students will design a procedure that will separate a heterogeneous mixture into it's respective parts using physical properties and procedures.
  2. Students will write a detailed separation scheme for their separation procedure as well as a detailed lab write up.
  3. Students will be able to distinguish between substances based on their physical as well as their chemical properties.
Monday, 10/4
  • Test Review
  • Grade Reveiw
  • Separation Lab Overview
Tuesday, 10/5
  • Test Corrections Due Today for Half Credit
  • Separation Lab
Wednesday, 10/6
  • Separation Lab
Thursday, 10/7
  • Puyallup School District In-Service Day - No Class
Friday, 10/8
  • State In-Service Day - No Class