Rogers High School Honors Chemistry

This blog is designed for students at Gov. John R. Rogers High School in Puyallup, WA. taking the Honors Chemistry Course. The class is intended to be first year Honors Chemistry course which will best prepare students for a first year College Chemistry or High School Advanced Placement Class.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 6 - 11

Learning Targets:  
  1. Students will develop a problem solving protocol that will be used in solving complex problems of Limiting Reactants
  2. Students will develop cooperative skills with lab partners when working together to solve complex problems of limiting reactants
Monday 12/6 - No Class - Mr. B has a meeting

Tuesday 12/7 - No Class - Mr. B has a meeting

Wednesday 12/8 - Late Arrival
  • Class Begins at 8:30 am
  • Chapter 3 Notes - Limiting Reactants
  • Sample Problems
Thursday 12/9
  • Limiting Reactants Worksheet
Friday 12/10
  • Limiting Reactant Worksheet Completed
  • Limiting Reactant Problem Quiz - Partners

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November 15 - 20

Learning Targets:
  1. Develop strategies for working gram formula weight and mole related problems. Work collaboratively with partners to develop working rules or protocols for solving complex chemistry problems

Monday 11/15
  • Chapter 3 Outline
  • Mole introduction and Gram Formula Weight calculations
Tuesday 11/16
  • Gram Formula Weight Calculation, % Composition
  • Mole - Mole calculations, Gram to Mole Calculations
  • Using Balanced equations in Mole and Gram Calculations
Wednesday 11/17 - Bring your book
  • Practice Problems Worksheet
Thursday 11/18 - Bring your book
  • Practice Problems Worksheet and Bookwork
Friday 11/19 - Lab Books Due - Bring your book
  • Practice Problems cont.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 18 - 22

Learning Targets for this Week:
  1. Students will work cooperatively to solve complex problems related to isotope abundance by applying previous knowledge of algebra
  2. Students will apply knowledge and information they have gained through the first two chapters to solve unique problems presented through class discussions.
  3. Students will be able to explain and describe a variety of different chemical reactions.
  4. Students will be a to explain how chemical equations are balanced and apply balanced chemical equations to their every day life

Chapter 2 Problems: 2.25, 2.39, 2.45, 2.47, 2.55, 2.71, 2.73, 2.77, 2.79, 2.91, 2.95, 2.105

Monday 10/18
  • Chapter 2 Problem Work
  • Balancing Chemical Equations
  • Products, Reactants, Phases, Coefficients v. Subscripts
Tuesday 10/19
  • Types of Reactions
  • Combination, Decomposition, Single Replacement, Double Displacement
  • Chapter 2 Problem Work
Wednesday 10/20 - Late Arrival - Class starts at 8:30 am
  • Test Review - Don't Miss class we will make the test today!
Thursday 10/21
  • Test
Friday 10/22
  • Lab Introduction - Types of Reactions

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 11 - 16

Monday 10/11
  • Lab Work Day
  • Work on Separation Lab
Tuesday 10/12
  • Lab Work Day
  • Finish all Lab Work on Separation Lab
Wednesday 10/13 - Late Arrival
  • Lab Write Up Day
  • Work in class as needed
Thursday 10/14
  • Lab Discussion
  • Naming Compound Rules Notes
  • Binary Compounds
  • Polyatomic Ions
Friday 10/15 - Bring your books
  • Naming Compounds
  • Chapter 2 Questions

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4 - 9

Learning Targets:
  1. Students will design a procedure that will separate a heterogeneous mixture into it's respective parts using physical properties and procedures.
  2. Students will write a detailed separation scheme for their separation procedure as well as a detailed lab write up.
  3. Students will be able to distinguish between substances based on their physical as well as their chemical properties.
Monday, 10/4
  • Test Review
  • Grade Reveiw
  • Separation Lab Overview
Tuesday, 10/5
  • Test Corrections Due Today for Half Credit
  • Separation Lab
Wednesday, 10/6
  • Separation Lab
Thursday, 10/7
  • Puyallup School District In-Service Day - No Class
Friday, 10/8
  • State In-Service Day - No Class

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 27 - October 1

Learning Targets for this week:
  • Students will be able to communicate clearly in writing and orally. They will do this through detailed laboratory write-ups and research papers both of which contain data supporting statements made in their writeups
  • Students will evaluate the validity and reliability of numbers and data through the use of mathematics, rounding principles, and significant figures
  • Students will be able to explain and predict trends based on how the periodic table of element is organized and structured.
  • Students will be able to know, describe and communicate accurately the structure atoms  
Monday, 9/27 
  • Atomic Theory Presentatons
  • Notes on Periodic Table of Elements
    • Metals, Non Metals, Metalloids, Transition Metals, Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals, Halogens, Inert or Noble Gases, Lanthanide and Actinide Series.
    • Oxidation states
    • Atomic Number
    • Atomic Mass
  • Hierarchy of Matter  
  • Naming Binary Compounds
    • "ide" ending
    • Oxidation states
Tuesday, 9/28
  • Atomic Theory Presentations
  • Handouts - Not Required to be turned in but may be turned in on Friday, 10/1 for Extra Credit
    • Subatomic Particles, Polyatomic and Variable Oxidation State atoms, Writing Binary formulas
    • Review of Periodic Table of elements
    • Handout work
Wednesday, 9/29 - Test Generation Day - Don't want to miss today
  • Creating the test in class!
Thursday, 9/30 - Workday - No Class
  • The following is due tomorrow with your test:
    • Penny Lab Write up - Must be done in your Lab Books
    • Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Outlines
    • Chapter 1 Questions
    • All handouts (Extra Credit)
    • Any Element note cards (Should have already been turned in)
Friday, 10/1 - Test Day
  • Test 
    • Chapters 1 and 2
    • Penny Lab
    • You may use your Lab Book and Text Book if you have completed the following:
      • Penny Lab
      • Chapter Outlines
      • Chapter Questions
Test Questions

Fill In

  1. Law
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Matter
  4. Physcial Change example
  5. Chemical Change example
  6. Homogeneous Mixture
  7. Heterogeneous Mixture
  8. All measurements require a ________ and a _________
  9. Accuracy
  10. Precision
  11. Base unit of Time = seconds
  12. Base unit of mass = Kg
  13. Base unit of Volume = liters
  14. Base unit of length is Meters
  15. Charge on an electron is negative
  16. Charge on a proton is positive
  17. Charge on a neutron is neutral
  18. Cation has a positive charge
  19. Anion has negative charge
  20. An ion containing two or more atom is termed a polyatomic ion

Short Answers:

  1. Convert grams to pounds
  2. Convert cubic feet to liters
  3. Convert miles per hour to cm/sec

Hierarchy of Matter
Matter-subatomic parts-atoms-elements-molecules and compounds-mixtures(homo,heter)- earth-solar system-galaxy-universe

Scientific Notation – Both Ways

Rounding question- Three examples

Atomic Theory – Historical based on presentations
Early Greeks, Dalton, Bohr

Chart based on handout – Atomic #, Protons, neutrons, electrons, Atomic, Name

Know the following:
Metals, non metals, lanthanide series, noble or inert gases, halogens, actinide series, transition metals, alkali and alkali earth metals, metalloids
Name binary compounds
Oxidation States
Charges based on columns

Mr. Brittain Question

    Monday, September 20, 2010

    September 20 - 25

    Monday, 9/20
    • Element Cards Due - Today
    • Atomic Theory Timeline Introdution
    • Notes in Class
    • Choose Partners for Atomic Theory Project
    Tuesday, 9/21
    • Begin Atomic Theory Timeline Project
    Total Points = 100

    Oral Presentation = 30 pts
    Poster = 30 pts
    Paper = 30 pts
    Teamwork = 10 pts
    Oral Presentation
    • Must present details about the individual assigned.
    • How did the work they do help us better understand the atomic theory?
    • How did the work they do fit into the timeline of the history of atomic theory?
    • Explain any mathematics, equations, or diagrams that assist in understanding the work they did.
    • Explain any experimentation that led to furthering our understanding of the Atomic Theory
    • Be sure to connect the work of any previous studies or experiments that led up to their work and introduce the next scientist who followed up or was next to extend our understanding of the Atomic Theory

    • Clearly present any experimentation connected with your study
    • Include any mathematics proposed or used to help further our understanding of the Atomic Theory through the work done
    • Include diagrams of models of proposed atomic structures
    • Pictures of the individual being presented
    • Creativity
    • Use of Color, Neatness, and Easily readable from a distance
    • One Paper is to be presented for the entire group (every person do not need to turn in a paper)
    • Include all group member names on the paper
    • Use of at least 2 sources
    • Double Spaced
    • 12 Point Font
    • 1 Inch margins on sides and bottom
    • No longer than 2 pages
    • Your paper should explain and answer all of the points your present on your poster and in your oral presentation
    Wednesday, 9/21
    • Atomic Theory Timel;ine Project
    Thursday, 9/21
    • Atomic Theory Timeline Project
    Friday, 9/25 - Bring your Books
    • Naming Ions, Compounds, and Formulas

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Element Cards

    Learning Target: Be able to go beyond the basic description of an element which is found on a periodic table of elements.Use a variety of resources to analyze and research an element from the periodic table of elements. Synthesize and report the information in a concise way on a 4x6 card using colors to enhance your presentation.

    Element Card Project:

    You must choose three (3) elements from the periodic table of elements to present on three(3) separate 4x6 inch cards. You need to use both sides of the card. It is your choice how you arrange the information. You must include color in the presentation of your information. Use it to enhance your work.You can add as much as you want to the card but be careful not to make the card too overwhelming with information add lose the "key" facts. Here is the list of essential facts and items that must be included in the card.

    For each  element you must have:
    1. Name
    2. Symbol
    3. Atomic Number
    4. Atomic Weight (Mass)
    5. Group or Classification
    6. Origin of Name
    7. Discovery or History
    8. Isotopes
    9. Physical Properties - Density, phase at STP, MP, BP
    10. Atomic Properties
    11. Abundance/Occurance
    12. Uses or Applications
    13. Interesting Facts or Little known facts
    14. Safety or Health Issues related to this element

    The first card is due Friday, 9/17.  All other cards are due on Monday 9/20. The scoring rubric for the cards is as follows:

    Content  = 85%
    (Based on the items above)
    Presentation on the Card = 15%
    (Neatness = 5%, Layout and Design = 5%, Use of Color = 5%)

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    September 13 - 18

    Monday, 9/13
    • Chapter One Outline Review
    • Chapter One Questions Review
    Tuesday, 9/14 - Bring Book
    • Chapter Two Outline
    • Element Research
    Wednesday, 9/15 - Fair Day - Early Dismissal
    • Computer Lab Research - On your own
    Thursday, 9/16 -
    • Meet in the Computer Lab - Element Card Research
    Friday, 9/17
    • First Element Card Due

      Friday, September 10, 2010

      Safety Test

      Learning Target: 
      1. Be able to understand and clearly articulate in writing the purpose for safety procedures in a chemistry laboratory classroom.
      2. Be able to map out the safety items, evacuation routes, and emergency procedures in the science room.
      Using a piece of paper, draw an accurate, relatively to scale map of the chemistry laboratory room. Locate the following items on your map and label each one accurately:
      1. Fire Alarm Pull
      2. Fire Extinguishers
      3. Fume Hood
      4. Emergency Eye Wash
      5. Fire Blanket
      6. Emergency Shower
      7. Room Exterior Exits
      8. Emergency Gas Shut off
      9. Broken Glass Container
      10. Where class relocates in the event of evacuation
      Explain in a no more that a paragraph why no food or drink is never allowed in the lab bench areas of the classroom

      Monday, September 6, 2010

      September 6 - 11 - Lab Write Up Procedures

      Monday, 9/6 - Labor Day - No School

      Tuesday, 9/7
      •  All students need a Lab Book in order to begin the lab on Wednesday
      • Lab Write Up Review
      • Book Handout - Students need to bring ID cards to Class Today
      Wednesday, 9/8 - Late Arrival
      •  Measurement and Penny Lab Begin - Students must have PreLab completed
      Thursday, 9/9
      •  Measurement and Penny Lab Continues
      Friday, 9/10
      • Lab Work must be completed
      • Safety Test
      Lab Write Up Procedures
      Title: Pennies Lab
      Purpose: Sometime between 1977 and 1987 the U.S. Mint made a change in the composition of pennies. The purpose of this lab is to determine what year the new pennies started to be produced. This will be done based on density calculations.
      1. One set of 10 pennies for each year in the late 1970’s-1980’s
      2. A 50 ml graduated cylinder
      3. An electronic balance
      Safety: None to be noted for this lab
      1. Obtain 10 pennies for each year in the 1970, 1980, and 1990
      2. Determine the mass of each “decade” of pennies using an electronic balance.
      3. Record the mass of each penny
      4. Obtain a 50 ml graduate cylinder
      5. Place water in the graduate cylinder
      6. Record the initial volume of water in the graduate cylinder
      7. Place two or three pennies in the graduate cylinder.
      8. Record the number of pennies used
      9. Record the final volume of the water in the cylinder.
      10. The difference between the initial volume and the final volume of the water is the volume of the pennies.
      11. Calculate the volume of each penny by dividing the difference between the initial and final water volume by the number of pennies placed in the graduate cylinder.
      12. Record the volume of the pennies. (Assume the volumes are uniform for all pennies in each decade)
      13. Repeat steps 2 – 12 for each “decade” of pennies
      14. Calculate densities for each penny used
      15. Record the density of each penny

      Data: (Example)
      Number of Pennies ______________________
      Initial Vol______________________________ ml
      Final Vol______________________________ ml
      Number of Pennies______________________
      Initial Vol______________________________ ml
      Final Vol______________________________ ml
      Number of Pennies______________________
      Initial Vol______________________________ ml
      Final Vol______________________________ ml


      Volume Difference_______________________ ml
      Density = mass/volume
      (Show calculation for at least one for each decade)
      Volume Difference_______________________ ml
      Density = mass/volume
      Volume Difference_______________________ ml
      Density = mass/volume

      The purpose of this lab was to determine when the US Mint made a change in the composition of the pennies made in the United States. This was done based on the calculation of density. It was determined that the US Mint changed the penny in 1982. It was a sudden change. Prior to 1982 the densities of the pennies ranged from 8.8 to 9.1 grams/ml. In 1982 and after the density of pennies ranged from 7.5 to 7.9 grams/ml.The density clearly changed in 1982. It decreased. The volume of the penny did not seem to change. The mass of the penny did significantly change. As a result, it could best be hypothesized that the material which makes up each penny changed. Prior to 1982 pennies were made of copper. In 1982 Zinc was added to the composition of each penny therefore reducing the mass of penny.

      The primary source of error in this lab was the measure of volume. I used a 50ml graduate cylinder. The markings were very inaccurate and it was difficult to determine the exact amount of change for the pennies used. If I had to change this lab, I would find a way to more accurately measure the volume of each penny.